Leon Russell, Denny Cordell, the pilot and I almost went down

Leon Russell, Denny Cordell, the pilot and I almost went down in this little twin-engine plane on the way back from George Van Tassell's Integratron in Giant Rock, near Joshua Tree. It was apparently the worst rainstorm LA ever had. The guys wanted to visit with Van Tassell who was showing us his energy meter and letting us into his life long work, The Integratron.

The pilot lost radar - the storm pitching the little plane left and right. Leon and I were in the back seat -- he took my hand and said, "We need to white light this plane Miss A," which we did.

Once radar was gone, the pilot was becoming more and more agitated - until Deny Cordell saved the day by speaking him down in such a soothing way. Basically Denny brought that plane in and saved all of our lives.